Date ____/____/_____ Initials (not full name) ______________
© 2021 The QSCP is copyrighted and cannot be used without the prior written consent of its author who may be contacted at jpredondophd@gmail.com.
This questionnaire aims to facilitate a dialogue between you as a man seeking to become a Catholic priest and the mental health professional designated by your Vocations Director, or other formators assigned by him to this task, regarding your sexual identity, beliefs, and personal sexual history. If warranted by personal training and experience in mental health, your Vocations Director may decide to administer the QSCP himself. This dialogue regarding sexuality is part of the overall discernment process on becoming a priest.
The questionnaire is designed to be administered before entering the seminary and at any point a dialogue on sexuality is required.
In various instances, diocesan authorities may also ask an already ordained priest to fill out the QSCP, with the assistance of a mental health professional. For example, in the case of a priest seeking incardination in a new diocese.
Your personal signature, stating your free informed consent, is required on a separate form provided by the diocese and/or the mental health professional. Please read through the entire QSCP so that your decision to sign freely a consent form is fully informed. This free consent is requested of you with the knowledge that your responses in this questionnaire will be shared with others in accordance with the guidelines of your diocese. Dioceses may differ in their policies regarding who has access to this information. According to the guidelines for priestly formation, which considers questionnaires like this as external forum, access will be given to the Vocations Director, the Bishop, and the Rector of the seminary and to whatever formators they deem necessary. Feel free to inquire about your dioceses’ policy regarding the confidentiality of responses to questionnaires such as this one.
Confidentiality depends on and is explicitly requested of anyone dealing with this questionnaire.
Attesting to behaviors regarding minors, child pornography and vulnerable persons before taking the QSCP. Given the Catholic Church’s stance against the sexual abuse of minors or persons in vulnerable positions, before proceeding to take the QSCP you are required to affirm the three statements specified below. You need to know that regarding the abuse of minors, child pornography and abuse of vulnerable persons, your responses will not be confidential, and pertinent reporting laws to the proper civil authorities will be followed by the mental health professional administering the QSCP, as with any other questionnaire. You can choose not to respond, and stop taking the questionnaire now. Feel free to ask the mental health professional administering this questionnaire to clarify any questions regarding these statements, including under what conditions this requirement to break confidentiality and to report would happen following pertinent laws.
Please note that the statements refer specifically to the adult person who has abused minors or vulnerable adults. If you have been the victim of abuse, this is not about you. The statements also do not refer to sexual activities while you were a minor.
Statement A. Since becoming an adult, I have not had a sexual relationship of any kind with a child or a minor. Please circle your response:
1. Agree 2. Disagree 3. I choose not to respond
Statement B. Since becoming an adult, I have not watched pornography involving children or minors. Please circle your response:
1. Agree 2. Disagree 3. I choose not to respond
Statement C. Since becoming an adult, I have not sexually abused (including rape, forced nudity or forced into watching pornography, etc.) a vulnerable adult (adults with physical, mental or emotional disabilities that render them more dependent on others). Please circle your response:
1. Agree 2. Disagree 3. I choose not to respond
If you as an adult have sexually abused children or vulnerable adults, we suggest you seek the sacrament of Penance (Confession) and psychological counseling, if you have not already. The mercy of the Lord does not exclude anyone and awaits all those who repent.
You can proceed to take the QSCP only if you agreed with both Statements A, B and C. If instead you disagreed or chose not to respond, the survey ends here.
For those that agreed with the three statements, please proceed to respond to the questions of the QSCP.
You are expected to complete all the questions, which should take you about an hour. If you need to skip a question, please explain why. Please answer all questions truthfully. Many questions will ask you to circle your response such as on a 5-point scale; other questions are True or False, or ask you for another response. Most of the questions will ask you to explain your answer. If you need more space than provided for your explanation, use the back of the page, but do not forget to specify the number of the question.
To facilitate your privacy, you are instructed to write on the QSCP only your initials (not your name) and today’s date. After completing it, you are to hand it over personally to the mental health professional that your Vocations Director or formator has assigned. If you are requested to give it to clerical personnel, do so only in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” and addressed to the mental health professional.
Once the questionnaire is reviewed by the mental health professional assigned by your Vocations Director or formator, he or she will have a dialogue with you regarding your responses.
1. Jesus Christ said, “I am the Truth” (John 14:16). How relevant is this for me in answering these questions?
1. Very Irrelevant 2. Irrelevant 3. Neutral 4. Relevant 5. Very Relevant
Please explain:
2. How comfortable is it for me to be open and truthful in this questionnaire regarding my sexual views and behaviors?
1. Very Uncomfortable 2. Uncomfortable 3. Neutral 4. Comfortable 5. Very Comfortable
Please explain:
3. Masturbation is a healthy aspect of a man’s life.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
4. Pornography can at times be helpful to people.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
5. Gender is a social construct so that one’s gender is what one believes it to be.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
6. Homosexual tendencies are unchangeable.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
7. The best a homosexual person can do, in terms of maturing affectively, is to accept his or her homosexuality.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
8. Homosexuality is a normal variant of gender identity, not a sexual disorder.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
9. In this day and age, the Church should support gay culture.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
10. The Church should ordain both heterosexual and homosexual men to the priesthood.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
11. Please complete this sentence by circling your answer: I am a (heterosexual, homosexual/gay, bisexual, gender fluid, other) man.
Please explain:
12. My opposite-sex attraction is:
1. Very Strong 2. Strong 3. Neutral 4. Weak 5. Very Weak/None
Please explain:
13. My same-sex attraction is:
1. Very Strong 2. Strong 3. Neutral 4. Weak 5. Very Weak/None
Please explain:
14. I rate my level of sexual maturity as:
1. Very Developed 2. Developed 3. Neutral 4. Undeveloped 5. Very Undeveloped
Please explain:
15. I am scared or worried about my sexuality.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
16. It is easier for me to relate to women than to men.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
17. I am able to have close and deep friendships with men, without having a sexual attraction to them.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
18. I am ready to give up matrimony with a woman and having my own children for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
19. I am confident that I could be a good father to my own children.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
20. To give up being a father of my own children in order to become a priest is a challenge for me.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
21. As I relate with others in the daily circumstances of life, I am aware that I am often motivated by wanting to please others before paying attention to what I am feeling, thinking and desiring.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
22. In the daily circumstances of life, I see I can be a provider that helps loved ones meet their needs, face their challenges and facilitate their development.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
23. In the daily circumstances of life, I see I can be a protector that safeguards loved ones from harm and shelters them from danger.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
24. As I relate to others in the daily circumstances of life, I see myself more as a leader than a follower.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
25. In my psychosexual development, I am willing to be guided by what the Church proposes regarding sexual identity and behavior.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
26. I have a close and healthy relationship with my father. He was neither distant nor too critical of me.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
27. I have a close and healthy relationship with my mother. My mother was neither domineering nor too close to me.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
28. My parents’ marital relationship was one that provided security in my home because of their mutual love and support for each other.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
29. Have you ever been sexually abused? Please circle your response: Yes No.
If yes, include your age and that of the abuser during each episode, whether the abuser was a family member, family friend or a stranger and the consequences the abuse has had in your life. Please explain:
30. Have you ever had a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Please circle your response:
Yes No.
If yes, please elaborate on when and how often, and whether the relationship(s) involved male(s) and/or female(s):
31. Have you ever been romantically in love? Please circle your response: Yes No.
If yes, please elaborate on when and how often, and whether the relationship(s) involved male(s) and/or female(s):
32. I have had oral sex with a man. Please circle your response: Yes No.
If yes, please explain when, with whom and how frequent.
33. I have had sexual intercourse with a man. Please circle your response: Yes No.
If yes, please explain when, with whom and how frequent.
34. I have had oral sex with a woman. Please circle your response: Yes No.
If yes, please explain when, with whom and how frequent.
35. I have had sexual intercourse with a woman. Please circle your response:
Yes No.
If yes, please explain when, with whom and how frequent.
36. Have you ever had sex with a prostitute or paid anyone for sex? Please circle your response:
Yes No.
If yes, specify when this happened, how often and if the other person was a male or female. Please elaborate:
37. Have you ever been a prostitute or been paid by anyone for sex? Please circle your response:
Yes No.
If yes, specify when this happened, how often and if the other person was a male or female. Please elaborate:
38. In the last 12 months, I have masturbated approximately an average of _____ times per month.
39. In the last month, I have masturbated about ______ times in total.
40. In the last 12 months, I have watched pornography approximately an average of _____ times per month.
41. In the last 12 months, the number of times I have watched pornography has been (please circle one option) increasing or decreasing?
Please explain:
42. In the last month, I have watched pornography about _____ times in total.
43. I have been addicted to pornography.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
44. I am currently addicted to pornography.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
45. I am attracted to heterosexual pornography.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
46. I am attracted to homosexual pornography.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
47. Have you ever experienced paraphilias (intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving atypical objects, situations or individuals)? Please circle your response: Yes No.
If yes, specify which of the following forms this involved by circling your response:
Sadism (deriving sexual pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering or humiliation on others)
Masochism (deriving pleasure from one’s own pain or humiliation)
Voyeurism (deriving pleasure seeing other people undress, being naked or performing a sexual act)
Fetishism (sexual arousal involving nonliving objects or nongenital body parts such as a foot)
Exhibitionism (the urge, fantasy or act of exposing one’s genitals to non-consenting persons)
Frotteurism (rubbing pelvic area or erect penis against a non-consenting person for sexual pleasure)
Transvestism (deriving pleasure from dressing like a woman)
If yes, specify what happened and how often. If another person was involved, specify if it was a male or female. Please elaborate:
48. I am confident of my ability to lead a chaste celibate life.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
49. I know how to relate my sexual desires to Jesus Christ in prayer.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
50. I am open to receiving in prayer Jesus Christ’s love for me, to help me develop my humanity and my vocation.
1. Completely Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Completely Disagree
Please explain:
The QSCP survey is being offered “ad experimentum.” It will be reviewed after several years of use by vocation directors and seminaries.
This questionnaire aims to facilitate a dialogue between a man seeking to become a Catholic priest and the mental health professional designated by the Vocations Director, or other formators assigned to this task, regarding sexual identity, beliefs, and personal sexual history. To avoid biasing the responses of the candidate, the content of these instructions for administration and interpretation should not be shared with him prior to taking the QSCP. However, in the spirit of truth and transparency everything the Church proposes about sexuality, contained in these instructions or not, is open to be shared as deemed appropriate in the subsequent dialogues between the candidates and the mental health professionals and diocesan authorities.
It is essential, however, that the mental health professional delegated to administer the QSCP be in close communion with the views on sexuality of the Catholic Church as proclaimed by the Pope as Vicar of Christ. Otherwise, there could be a response bias generated by the mental health professional that distorts the responses given by the candidate and their interpretation.
If warranted by personal training and experience in mental health, the Vocations Director may decide to administer the QSCP himself.
In various instances, diocesan authorities may also ask an already ordained priest to fill out the QSCP, with the assistance of a mental health professional.
For example, in the case of a priest seeking incardination in a new diocese.
The purpose of this dialogue is to evaluate the sexual maturity of the candidate seeking to become a priest in the Catholic Church, and the extent to which the candidate’s sexual beliefs and practices are in harmony with the Church he aims to serve.
Thus, the data gathered will serve to identify sexual issues where a candidate may need further psychological or spiritual growth in order to live a chaste and celibate life. This will often be the case, for example, regarding the use of pornography, which is so prevalent among the youth of today.
Additionally, the QSCP seeks to assist the Vocations Director in the implementation of the “Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis” (The Gift of the Priestly Vocation) numbers 199, 200 and 201, which seek to prevent the ordination to the priesthood of those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support gay culture. To facilitate fidelity to the “Ratio,” as the framework provided for seminary formation throughout the world, an addendum at the end of this document quotes specifically what the “Ratio” states.
This dialogue with the mental health professional that is then followed up by pastoral conversations with the Vocations Director, Bishop or formator is part of the overall discernment process on becoming a priest.
The questionnaire is planned to be administered before entering the seminary and at any point a dialogue on sexuality is required during formation.
Given the Catholic Church’s stance against the sexual abuse of minors or persons in vulnerable positions, before proceeding to take the QSCP the candidate is required to affirm three statements: A. that since becoming an adult he has not had a sexual relationship of any kind with a minor, B. that since becoming an adult, he has not watched pornography involving children or minors, and C. that since becoming an adult he has not sexually abused (including rape, forced nudity or forced into watching pornography, etc.) a vulnerable adult (adults with physical, mental or emotional disabilities that render them more dependent on others).
The candidate is further instructed that regarding the sexual abuse of minors, child pornography and vulnerable persons, his responses will not be confidential and pertinent reporting laws to the proper civil authorities will be followed by the mental health professional administering the QSCP. He can choose not to respond, and stop taking the questionnaire immediately.
Only those that agreed with the three statements can proceed to respond to the questions asked in the QSCP.
The questionnaire is to be completed by the candidate individually in a particularly private setting, a process that should take about an hour. It would be a mistake to administer the instrument in a group setting, even if respondents are asked to sit far apart.
Prior to beginning, the respondent is asked to review the questionnaire and is given the opportunity to sign freely an informed consent using a separate form provided by the diocese or the mental health professional. The form employed should be in keeping with the diocesan and the professional’s ethical guidelines. If the individual refuses to provide informed consent by signing the form, the person should be thanked for his interest, but the questionnaire cannot be administered.
The guidelines for priestly formation consider questionnaires such as these confidential but pertaining to the external forum. These data are not viewed as internal forum. Consequently, once informed consent is given, access to the answers will be given to the Vocations Director, the Bishop and the Rector of the seminary and whatever formator they deem necessary. Respondents are also encouraged to feel free to inquire about their dioceses’ confidentiality policy regarding these questionnaires.
Given human sensitivities regarding the theme of sexuality, special measures need to be taken to protect the privacy of the respondent and facilitate openness in responding. Consequently, on the QSCP itself the candidate is asked to write only his initials and the date, and not his name. At the end, it is best if the respondent can hand-deliver the completed questionnaire to the mental health professional or administrative assistant representing him or her at the time the questionnaire is administered. If the questionnaire with the responses is being returned to a clerical person, the respondent should be provided with an envelope that he can seal, which is addressed to the mental health professional and is marked “Confidential.”
Despite an appeal to provide the truth, it would be naïve to think that everyone will answer truthfully. Hopefully, the dialogue between the mental health professional and the candidate may bring out a sense of the veracity of the person’s answers. But, even pointing to what is required in terms of chastity and celibacy should begin to indicate to candidates what is truly needed to live a life-long priestly vocation in a fulfilling manner.
The answers need to be carefully reviewed by the mental health professional and used to enter into a compassionate dialogue with the candidate.
Note that this questionnaire provides for a qualitative evaluation. Often the explanations given are more relevant than the specific choice that is circled. It does not yield a quantitative score, and no psychometric studies have been conducted.
At this time of great changes in sexual mores in contemporary society and ubiquitous pornography, the mental health professional and the Vocations Director are advised to evaluate the data carefully and identify areas of needed growth.
The growth ideally should already begin during the Propaedeutic or Preparation Period prior to joining the seminary and may continue during seminary formation. For example, any candidate deemed to have potential in other ways but with difficulties regarding pornography may be referred to psychological counseling.
The “Ratio Fundamentalis” does explicitly indicate that a person who practices homosexuality, presents deep-seated homosexual tendencies or supports gay culture cannot be admitted to the seminary nor ordained to holy orders.
However, the Vocations Director is advised not to overreact to any sign of homosexual behavior or beliefs, and to determine along with the mental health professional’s evaluation, whether any of these can be transitory tendencies. Still, the “Ratio” calls for a resolution and clearly overcoming any transitory homosexual tendencies 3 years before ordination to the diaconate. A sign that a man has overcome transitory homosexual tendencies is when he is ready to be faithfully married to a woman and be ready to be a good father to children. Chaste celibacy then reflects the gift of spousal and paternal characteristics.
Clinical experience indicates that the key factor for psychological growth to occur is the degree to which the person is desiring this change. Our freedom is very much involved in embracing what is good. There needs to be the motivation to do the interior work that is needed for affective conflicts to be resolved. In the case of homosexual issues, a whole-hearted 100% motivation is required.
To promote the psychosexual maturation of all candidates, Vocations Directors are encouraged to seek the assistance of psychotherapists and spiritual directors who think with and are in harmony with the truth and beauty of the Church’s teachings on human sexuality. The QSCP is designed to give a comprehensive overview of a candidate’s beliefs, history and formation needs regarding sexuality. But mental health professionals may decide to use additional instruments to understand further the sexual maturity of a candidate.
Throughout the formation period, the Vocations Director will need to evaluate the evolving sexual maturity of a candidate to see if a man warrants admission to the seminary, promotion year-to-year and finally ordination to the priesthood. May the QSCP assist the Vocations Director in helping young men to overcome any sexual impediments that they may report and to respond to their true calling by the Lord.
c) Persons with Homosexual Tendencies.
199. In relation to persons with homosexual tendencies who seek admission to Seminary or discover such a situation in the course of formation, consistent with her own Magisterium (304), “the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called ‘gay culture’. Such persons, in fact, find themselves in a situation that gravely hinders them from relating correctly to men and women. One must in no way overlook the negative consequences that can derive from the ordination of persons with deep-seated homosexual tendencies.” (305)
200. “Different, however, would be the case in which one were dealing with homosexual tendencies that were only the expression of a transitory problem –for example, that of an adolescence not yet superseded. Nevertheless, such tendencies must be clearly overcome at least three years before ordination to the diaconate.” (306)
Moreover, it must be remembered that, in a relationship of sincere dialogue and mutual trust, the seminarian is obliged to reveal to his formators –to the Bishop, the Rector, the Spiritual Director and to other formators- any doubts or difficulties he may have in this regard.
In this context, “If a candidate practices homosexuality or presents deep-seated homosexual tendencies, his spiritual director as well as his confessor have the duty to dissuade him in conscience from proceeding toward ordination.” In any case, “It would be gravely dishonest for a candidate to hide his own homosexuality in order to proceed, despite everything towards ordination. Such a deceitful attitude does not correspond to the spirit of truth, loyalty and openness that must characterize the personality of him who believes he is called to serve Christ and his Church in the ministerial priesthood.” (307)
201. In summary, seminarians must be reminded and, at the same time, it must not be kept from them, that “the desire alone to become a priest is not sufficient, and there does not exist a right to receive sacred ordination. It belongs to the Church (….) to discern the suitability of him who desires to enter the seminary, to accompany him during his years of formation, and to call him to holy orders if he is judged to possess the necessary qualities.” (308)
About the Author
Dr. Jose Redondo (jpredondophd@gmail.com) serves as a psychologist on the formation team of St. John Vianney College Seminary and Graduate School in Miami, Florida.
On July 9, 2020, Dr. Bryan Froehle, who has served as director of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) and, more recently as Professor of Practical Theology and Director of the Ph.D. Program in Practical Theology at St. Thomas University in Miami, Florida, interviewed Dr. Jose Redondo about this Psycho-Sexual Survey. That interview is at the top of this page and was released by both WCAT TV and WCAT Radio on the same date.
Dr. Froehle’s interview of Dr. Redondo focused on the following questions:
How did the QSCP come about?
What are the aims of the QSCP?
Can you tell me an example of how the questionnaire is consonant with the faith?
How comprehensive is the QSCP, can it be the only questionnaire used to assess sexuality?
Tell us a bit about yourself. What experience do you have assessing seminarians?
What do psychologists and psychiatrists think of homosexuality these days?
The Ratio speaks of deep seated vs. transitory SSA. How does the QSCP help differentiate the two and deal with the issue?
How do we know the candidates are telling the truth?
How do we know that the QSCP is a valid questionnaire?
What is next for the QSCP?